Remote (grand)parents read bedtime stories by web video
Publishing & Media
While most will agree that bedtime stories are best delivered in person and as live performances, that isn’t always an option. Coming to the aid of remote parents and grandparents everywhere, technology-enabled web recordings offer an alternative; we previously highlighted Speakaboos and Readeo. Along similar lines, A Story Before Bed lets users record audio and video of themselves reading children’s stories, synchronized to the pages of an onscreen book. The site was created by Jackson Fish Market to make it easy for parents away on business, remote grandparents, split families and military parents stationed away, to read a story to a child from afar.
How it works? Readers chooses a story from the rapidly expanding library of over 60 licensed children’s books and record themselves reading it using a webcam. The storyteller’s voice is heard and their face appears, picture-in-picture style, on a fullscreen image of the book being read. Recording a story is free, and the service charges USD 6.99 if the user chooses to save the recording and forward the story link to its intended audience. Adding blanket-top convenience to its service, A Story Before Bed recently launched an iPad app for viewing recorded stories.
There are plenty of opportunities for other services that will allow consumers to be “guest participants” from afar. Apply to the niche of your choice! 😉 (Related: Wedding webcasts.)
Spotted by: Judy McRae
22nd April 2010