Single use festival tent is compostable
Travel & Tourism
Netherlands-based Psssh! has developed One Nights Tent, which is designed as a single use festival tent that can be composted after it's used.
One of the major problems with festivals is that after the party's over, hundreds of tons of garbage is leftover and needs clearing up. While we've previously seen the disposable Glad Tent double as a trash bag to encourage revelers to clean up after themselves, Netherlands-based Psssh! has now developed One Nights Tent, which is designed as a single use festival tent that can be composted after it's used.
Launching its service at Lowlands festival earlier this summer, ticket holders could order their One Nights Tent through the company's website. Rather than having it delivered to their home, customers simply picked up their tent at a designated booth on the festival site. The temporary structure looks much like a standard tube tent, except it's made from biodegradable materials and forgoes any extra functions that aren't especially necessary for festival camping. For example, there's no zipper on the door, which is instead simply lifted up and pulled back down at night. At the end of the festival, customers can return to the booth to hand back their tent. If they don't, it's not much of a problem because they're biodegradable.
Watch the video below to learn more about One Nights Tent:
Given that one in four festivalgoers end up leaving equipment behind because it's become damaged over the weekend, One Nights Tent ensures that at least this waste doesn't damage the environment. One Nights Tent costs EUR 69.99 for a one-man and USD 99.99 for a two-man. Are there other ways to make festivals more sustainable?
4th September 2014