Innovation That Matters

Workplace | Photo source Malachi Witt from Pixabay

A blockchain app empowers workers to report sexual harassment

Work & Lifestyle

Employees can confidentially record time-stamped reports of misconduct using a blockchain app

Spotted: A new blockchain-powered app called Vault Platform is designed to empower people to speak up about sexual harassment or other misconduct at work. The app gives users a way to record a private, time-stamped report that is stored on the blockchain as evidence. This “digital receipt” cannot be altered or deleted.

Further incidents can be recorded privately and efficiently, creating a credible timeline of events using blockchain’s time-stamping technology. The app is also useful for showing if other victims have accused the same person. The information remains confidential until employees choose to report an incident.

The so-called Vault Platform is not an anonymous reporting system. But it allows employees who feel harassed or bullied or discriminated against to eventually report instances in confidence to higher-ups, with time-stamped evidence and personal memos attached.

At the age of 22, company co-founder, Neta Meidav, says she was sexually harassed at work. Instead of reporting the incident to higher ups, she quit. She says she felt too terrified to report what had happened. Vault, she says, offers “strength in numbers.”


