Innovation That Matters

AI tool

AI matches brands with social media influencers


AI tool scores influencers that rank in the top one percent of their social media network for brands to choose who best to work with.

Using IBM’s augmented intelligence algorithm Watson, Influential helps brands choose who among social media’s top influencers is best suited for a campaign. Once a brand chooses with whom to work, the influencer is sent a creative brief via an invitation-only app. Influencers whose engagement numbers drop will be removed from the app.

Based in Los Angeles, Influential provides companies with a brand match score for people whose social network ranking is within the top one percent of Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. The algorithm is able to show brands an influencer’s reach within specific demographic groups, overall engagement and against more than 50 other specific marketing traits. Influential continues to develop its offering, including automating more aspects of the matching process.

Marketers continue to push their creativity through innovative uses of new technology. In Spain, laser engraved produce is making marketing stickers redundant, and in Japan, a telecommunications company’s WiFi service is advertised to newly arrived tourists via smartphone toilet paper in the airport restrooms. What other unusual links could brands find between products and services and potential customers?

