App helps customers find local restaurants that share their values
Work & Lifestyle
Greenease is an online database and app, which enables users to search for nearby eateries that buy from local, sustainable sources.
It is now easier than ever for consumers to source local, organic and free range ingredients to cook with at home. But when they’re eating out, it can still be difficult to discern whether a restaurant subscribes to those same values. Greenease answers this dilemma with its database, which enables users to search for nearby eateries that buy from local, sustainable sources.
Greenease recently launched their Android app which connects customers in NYC and Washington DC to nearby businesses, who can be listed on the platform for free. The app allows users to search by location, and each listing contains the contact details of the restaurant, as well as symbols representing various sustainable and ethical values — locally sourced, free range, grass-fed, organic, veg friendly, sustainable seafood, and more. The app will be launching in Philadelphia and Chicago later this year.
Greenease will also soon be launching a business-facing app, which will serve as a resource for restaurants, grocers and caterers. They are currently looking for Alpha and Beta testers. We have already seen an app which matches consumers’ social, political and economic values with local stores. How else could such resources be used to better inform consumers about the businesses they visit?
7th August 2015