Innovation That Matters

App teaches accountancy through games

Work & Lifestyle

Accounting Play’s latest release is the Tax Fight game, teaching users what is deductible and nondeductible through 10 levels of play.

Designed by a chartered professional accountant who makes creative learning tools, Accounting Play’s latest accounting game is Tax Fight. Soon to be available for iOS, Tax Fight asks players to answer either deductible or nondeductible, or true or false to questions. As players progress through the 10 levels of play, different areas of taxation are covered, including individual and business.

Accounting Play has a range of other accountancy games already available, for both iOS and Android. There is a quiz app, flashcards and a debits and credits game, as well as a range of specialized topics for in-depth learning.

Taking paperwork online is an ongoing project in almost every industry, as is finding ways to organize that digital data. Luckily, some of the more onerous administrative tasks are becoming automated, like annual insurance renewals and business travel bookings. What other repetitive tasks could benefit from a robotics update?

