Innovation That Matters

Photographer offers a profile photo shoot for $79

Work & Lifestyle

It may be easy to create an account on Facebook or Twitter, but finding a flattering photo to go along with it can be another matter. That’s why Estée Lauder pitched in with its free makeovers and profile photos earlier this year, and it’s also why Minnesota photographer Noah Wolf has launched an ongoing series of low-cost photo sessions for people in search of a really good shot. Aiming to bring a professional photography shoot within reach for more consumers, Wolf offers his “Avatar” sessions for just USD 79. In exchange, consumers get a creative consultation with Wolf on the day of their session as well as a post-session portrait consultation to help choose the best image. That same day, they leave with at least one completely mastered, retouched and enhanced digital file that they can use at will online. Launched at the start of the year, Wolf’s Avatar sessions have proven so popular that they are now offered on a weekly basis. So that’s one cosmetics company and one photographer targeting the same need; who will be first in your area to combine those functions for a complete, start-to-finish profile photo service…? (Related: Niche photography business shoots bottles only, at easy prices.) Spotted by: Lara McCulloch

