A custom, branded iPhone app for every restaurant
You know a concept is gaining traction when companies start springing up to enable it. Not long ago we saw the launch of B1G1 to enable the “buy one, give one” donation programs that have become so popular, for example; now, from the world of restaurants, there’s Blue Shoe Mobile Solutions, a company that focuses exclusively on developing branded iPhone apps much like the one we just covered at Wagamama.
Blue Shoe provides owners of restaurants large and small with custom, branded iPhone applications. Restaurant patrons can use those apps to place orders right from their phones, of course, much as with Wagamama’s technology. In addition, however, restaurateurs can use the apps to track their most popular dishes, see which locations are doing the most business and store customers’ favourite orders, for example. They can also instantly post discounts, promotions and news of special events. Blue Shoe charges a one-time build fee of USD 500 per app; monthly fees are USD 50. Eddie Peloke, CEO of the Virginia-based company, explains: “No longer are large companies with vast available capital the only ones to experience the benefits of this technology. Blue Shoe is leveling the playing field and putting that technology in the hands of the local markets.”
Indeed, that newly leveled playing field is a sure sign that the technology has moved past the cutting edge and begun entering the mainstream. Local restaurateurs around the globe: who will be first in *your* market to hire a technological brand butler to keep customers loyal…? (Related: An iPhone app for every band.)
15th April 2010
Email: info@blueshoemobile.com
Website: www.blueshoemobile.com