Browser extension automates academic citations of online material
Citelighter automatically generates a citation for any web resource, along with a number of tools to help students organize their research.
Plagiarism is a major concern for colleges today, meaning when it comes to writing a thesis or essay, college students can often spend an inordinate amount of time ensuring their bibliographies are up to scratch, to the detriment of the quality of the actual writing. In the past, services such as ReadCube have made it easier to annotate and search online articles, and now Citelighter automatically generates a citation for any web resource, along with a number of tools to help students organize their research.
The service is a toolbar that sits at the top of the user’s browser while they search for material for their paper. When they’ve found a fact or quote that’s useful, users simply highlight the text and click the Capture button, which saves the clipping to the project they’re working on. Citelight automatically captures the bibliographic information necessary to create a citation that reaches academic standards, and users can also add their own comments for when they come to use the quote in their essay. Citations can be re-ordered within each project to enable students to plot out a rough version of their paper before sitting down to write. The video below explains a bit more about the service:
CiteLighter automates the process of bibliography creation to help students spend more of their time and effort on their writing, potentially boosting their marks. How else can the administrative side of student work be lessened through smart tools?
27th March 2014