Innovation That Matters

Browser rewards users for surfing the web

Work & Lifestyle

Perk is a browser that enables users to earn points when they shop, search and share online.

The success of any loyalty program depends largely upon the ease with which rewards can be earned. That’s no doubt why Kroger chose to tailor discounts based on customers’ existing shopping habits, for example, and why French fast food chain Bert’s chose to let patrons use their public transport cards. The latest example? Perk, a browser that rewards users simply for surfing the Web. Now available for Mac OS X 10.6 and later, Perk “rewards you for doing what you already do online,” explains Jutera Labs, its Texas-based maker. Users can download and use the free, Chromium-based browser to earn points when they shop, search and share their findings with their friends. Currently, participating brands include Ace Hardware, Dockers, Walgreens and Nordstrom. The points users earn browsing can then be easily converted into gift cards, airline miles, donations to nonprofits, and more. The video below explains the premise in more detail: It’s no secret that today’s consumers expect to be rewarded for the effort they expend. How can your brand turn that inclination into a winning business proposition? Spotted by: Katherine Noyes

