Innovation That Matters

Buy a dress built from your own personal data

Fashion & Beauty

Swedish app combines digital technology with fashion by monitoring activity and translating it into a personalised fabric.

Fashion and tech are becoming increasingly intertlinked. A while back we wrote about this app that lets shoppers order straight from the runway. And more recently, we saw this shirt that vibrates to correct the wearer’s posture. Now, Google has partnered with digital fashion brand, Ivyrevel to create Coded Couture, garments built from an individual’s personal data.

Coded Couture is a line of clothing tailored to the lifestyle, environment and specific tastes of the individual. Ivyrevel, H&M’s digital fashion house, have created an Android App which monitors a user’s activity. Using this data, the app then creates a “coded-dress” by translating that activity, the routes and routines users have, into lines on a map that are then incorporated into the pattern of the dress. The result is a highly personalized, digitally tailored dress which can be bought within the app. Those buying the dress can choose from work, party or formal for the style of the dress they would like.

The idea is currently in beta and is being tested by a number of style “influencers” including the co-founder of Ivyrevel, Kenza Zouiten. With consumers increasingly searching for something unique and personal, will this kind of technology spread beyond fashion?

