Children’s drawings transformed into bespoke clothing
Picture This prints children’s artwork onto dresses and t-shirts for one-of-a-kind, personal designs.
Produced on-demand, each Picture This dress is unique. Children color in a dress template, upload a photo of the artwork to the website and choose a size. Within weeks, a personalized, wearable piece of art arrives in the mail. Customers also have the option to purchase a matching doll-sized dress.
The company launched with a single product and now, having proven the idea’s popularity, is working to expand its range of clothing. T-shirts and other uni-sex clothing items, along with adult sized pieces, are being considered.
Children’s artwork is also being transformed into jewellery by this Turkish jeweler. As wearables become more diverse, expanding from healthcare into art and fashion, their connectivity is improving. This shirt changes color depending on the amount of air pollution present. How might wearable art be used in combination with smart devices to help an ageing population?
20th October 2016