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AI-platform finds clothes that truly fit to reduce fabric waste

MeModel takes a few measurements from customers and uses its machine-learning algorithm to suggest accurate and personalised style and size recommendations

Spotted: When it comes to online shopping for clothes, getting the right fit can be a guessing game. Many people solve the quandary by ordering the same item in multiple sizes and then returning the ones that don’t fit. 

The UK’s Metail platform’s solution to the size and fit problem is designed for use by both shoppers and retailers. Metail offers two services – MeModel and Composed Photography. MeModel takes a few measurements from customers and uses its machine-learning algorithm to suggest accurate and personalised style and size recommendations. 

For retailers, MeModel provides data analysis to help maximise inventory and supply chain efficiency and to help boost brand loyalty with insight into customer preferences. Composed Photography adds another service for retailers, providing a much simpler method for photographing and publishing new collections. Models are digitally dressed, allowing for endless changes and different styling options without the high cost of reshoots and retouching. 

Metail is part of the Business Growth Programme at London & Partners.

Selected for the Createch 2019 Ones to Watch, produced by the Creative Industries Council with the support of Digital Catapult, London & Partners and Springwise.