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As many incentives as there are for consumers to go green these days, ‘hot girls’ strikes us as fairly novel. A new eco-site called Angry Green Girl is celebrating its launch with a car wash featuring five models sporting teeny green bikinis, who’ll sud up eco-friendly cars for free using waterless cleaners. When it launches, the site will provide earthsaving tips, product reviews, home makeovers and green networking. The official line is that the green girl will exploit everything she’s got to save the planet. Sure, it’s superficial, but that’s the point: it’s refreshing to see that the green movement is finding new ways to engage people and to reach new audiences. One to rinse and repeat elsewhere?
(The car wash will be operating on the southeast corner of Highland and Franklin Avenues in Hollywood, CA on Tuesday, August 25th, from 10 am until midday.)
Spotted by: Mother Nature Network via Judy McRae
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