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Electric cars helping to power the nation

Nissan and Enel launch UK vehicle-to-grid smart energy trial that enables electric cars to sell power back to the national grid.

After charging their vehicle during periods of low demand, owners of Nissan UK electric cars now have the option of selling energy back to the national grid when costs are higher. The energy stored in the car’s battery pack could also be used in the home or at work during periods of higher demand and cost.

The UK trial is starting with 100 vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging units installed at locations agreed by the owners. Designed by smart energy technology company Enel, both individuals and businesses are using the charging units. The financial incentive for charging electric vehicles during periods of low demand combines less cost for owners with the opportunity to earn money back.

The Nissan-Enel partnership was agreed last year at the December 2015 UN climate change conference in France. Nissan says that if all the vehicles in the UK were electric and used the V2G technology, the energy generated would be enough to power the UK, Germany and France.

Mobile energy hubs are essential for coping with natural disasters and are increasingly being used to get off-grid communities connected. How else can mobile energy hubs be used to facilitate sustainable energy sharing?