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Blissmo introduces customers to products sourced for their eco-credentials, in a monthly curated box.
You only have to glance at our virtual pages to see the number of eco-friendly, sustainable or socially-conscious products there are coming to market. However, for the average consumer, finding out what green products are available, where to find them, and indeed how credible their green claims are, can be difficult. blissmo hope to change that by sourcing items with “a people and planet positive approach” and offering them to customers in a curated box for a monthly subscription. Blissmo was started by a team of social entrepreneurs who wanted to help shoppers discover products that are better and safer for their bodies, communities and the planet. Every month they create a selection of curated boxes — called blissmoboxes — available for USD 19 a month, containing goods totaling between USD 25 and USD 50 in value. Items are selected from a mix of established and up-and-coming brands based on factors ranging from the product’s toxin levels to how sustainably the item has been produced. As well as looking for official certification, blissmo validate a product’s green credentials with “social-proof”, as well as looking to see whether the product has a passionate community of customers and considering the people behind the products and their company values. Each month, boxes are curated around themes such as seasons or product types, and customers can either choose a specific box or ask blissmo to automatically select a box on their behalf. If the customer doesn’t like the options for that month, they can choose to send to a friend instead or skip a month. Products from the boxes are also available to buy individually from the main blissmo website. For any startup, ensuring products have maximum reach to the most relevant audience can be costly and complicated. Currently blissmoboxes only ship to the continental United States; an idea to replicate in your neck of the woods? Spotted by: Matthew Smith
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