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From Germany, a catering service that uses the vegetables supermarkets won’t accept

Culinary Misfits creates dishes that only use the produce that doesn't make it to supermarkets and restaurants due to its imperfections.

Considering the unequal distribution of food across the globe, the amount thrown away in the West is a big problem. We’ve already seen France-based Zéro Gâchis help consumers get discounts on food that’s about to be chucked, and now Culinary Misfits is a catering service in Germany that only uses the produce that doesn’t make it to supermarkets and restaurants due to its imperfections. According to the startup, almost half of the crops harvested for human consumption end up in the bin or given to animals because they don’t meet the visual standards set by vendors and cooks, who want their products to appeal to consumers. Culinary Misfits instead embraces these leftovers, purchasing the odd-looking fruit and vegetables from local providers once supermarkets have taken the aesthetically-pleasing ones. Its dishes include Crooked Parsnip and Twisted Cucumber Soup and are all organic, locally-sourced and mostly vegetarian or vegan in an effort to make the food service as sustainable as possible. The following video gives more information about the project:
As well as providing a use for food that would otherwise go to waste, Culinary Misfits also benefits from the unusual character of their ingredients, creating meals that are visually unique and stand out in the marketplace. How else could we make the most of all the food we produce? Spotted by: Franziska Luh