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Skipping rope harvests energy, providing power to remote and disadvantaged areas

Uncharted Play is back with the PULSE — a jump rope that stores the energy of each skip, which can be used later to power electronic devices.

Uncharted Play should be a familiar name to regular readers of Springwise — we’ve already written about its energy-storing soccer ball SOCCKET, and featured the company in a Where Are They Now? feature. Now the New York-based startup is back with the PULSE — a jump rope that stores the energy of each skip, which can be used later to power electronic devices.

Currently in beta release, with only 100 of the devices being made for its initial run, the rope is made of durable plastic and includes 3D printed handles that act as dynamos. With each skip of the rope, the top of the handle is wound and the kinetic energy is stored. When users have finished playing, an adapter can be connected to the handle to make use of the stored electricity, helping to power lights and small electronic devices, or to charge smartphones for up to a couple of hours. The PULSE has been designed especially for use in the parts of the world where electricity is expensive and scarce, and dangerous alternatives such as kerosene lamps are used instead. The skipping rope also caters for girls that in such areas are not allowed to take advantage of the company’s SOCCKET for cultural reasons.

The PULSE is available to buy for USD 129, and the company hopes initial sales will enable it to eventually produce the skipping rope at a price affordable for the communities it was designed for. How else can remote areas be helped to generate electricity off the grid?