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Argentine designer Alejandro Sticotti and provide true transparency in production by live-streaming each item made in the workshop.
The origin of goods is increasingly important to consumers trying to buy responsibly. Argentine designer Alejandro Sticotti showcases the beauty of artisan-created pieces meant to last a lifetime. In partnership with e-commerce platform, the Sticotti workshop is live-streaming production of everything ordered during its recent Indiegogo campaign.
Modular and handmade, wooden Sticotti bookshelves and coat racks are flatpacked, easily assembled, and shipped worldwide for free. The entire bookcase hangs from a wall-mounted bracket, and requires no additional nails; the coat hanger uses self-sustaining, Japanese joinery joints. Sudacas believes in the integrity of South American wood, and the long-lasting characteristic of beautiful wooden furniture. Taking transparency to the ultimate level, the startup is live-streaming the creation processes of their South American craftsmen.
We have seen a SaaS platform use blockchain to help brands tell a product’s story. How else can tech be used to showcase production transparency?