Innovation That Matters

Concoction brings mixology to bathroom products


UK-based Concoction wants to bring customization to bathroom products, focusing solely on make-your-own shampoos.

Creative customization and the fashion and beauty world are obvious bedfellows, and we’ve a number of platforms that facilitate it – most recently London’s BITE. Now Concoction wants to do the same for bathroom products, focusing solely on make-your-own shampoos.

The aim of the company is to help customers mix their own blend of products to create a shampoo that is best for their hair and taste. They first choose the fragrance – either Bakhour, Black Pepper and Citrus, Lemon and Verbeena or Rosemary and Mint – and then can choose a shot of serum that matches their hair type – ranging from Beautiful Brunette to Turn Up The Volume. Customers can choose up to two types of shots for their product. The aim of the brand is to bring the environment of an exciting cocktail bar to bathroom products – and indeed, it is set to launch its first ‘bar’, called ShampYou, later this month at Selfridge’s in London, complete with staff who will perform tricks while they mix the shampoo. Those interested can either head there or to the company’s website, where a bottle retails for USD 14.

As well as injecting an engaging atmosphere to shampoo retail, Concoction also enables consumers to call the shots and leave with a product that is tailored to them. Could this company’s philosophies be applied to other areas of the cosmetics industry – or outside of it?

