Craft workshops for commitmentphobes
Work & Lifestyle
Based in North London, The Make Lounge holds classes on Saturdays and weekday evenings in knitting, decoupage and card making—crafting techniques that have been around for ages, but have seen a strong resurgence over the past few years. Boosting appeal to casual crafters, the classes last just one session. Participants learn a skill and take home a completed project without having to commit to more than one evening.
Classes cost around GBP 35, including materials. When possible, The Make Lounge’s craft projects use environmentally friendly materials. And crafting in the 21st century wouldn’t be complete without sharing the results online: to build interest and pride, projects are displayed on photo-sharing website Flickr.
We’ve featured related businesses: a sewing café in Berlin, Etsy Labs in Brooklyn and make-your-own wedding rings in Manhattan. One reason why the craft revival continues to grow? Since more people work in offices and behind computer screens than ever before, it’s no wonder that many of them long for the chance to make something with their hands in their spare time. For a more in-depth look at the status shift from passive consumption to mastering skills, check out our sister site’s briefing on status skills. Pick a skill, find a way to help others master it, and you’ve got yourself a new business!
Spotted by: Ozgur Alaz
21st January 2008