Innovation That Matters

3D smartphone extension

Device turns any iPhone into a 3D camera

Work & Lifestyle

Poppy turns iPhones into 3D cameras to allow users to add originality to their captured moments.

While Instagram has turned many iPhone and iPad owners into photographers, we’ve seen a few innovations that aim to improve the capabilities of the devices. First, there was Condition One, which enabled users to create 180-degree pannable videos on the iPad. Now, the Poppy turns iPhones into 3D cameras to allow users to add originality to their captured moments.

The device takes the form of a stereoscopic box that includes a slot to fit an iPhone 4, 4S, 5 or iPod Touch. Using mirrors, the Poppy captures two images at slightly different perspectives at the same time. When viewing the content through the device’s viewfinder, the images are then merged into one 3D image. Operating solely through optics, the device doesn’t need batteries and allows users to capture both 3D images and video. While the Poppy offers a fun way for users to let their friends and family see their 3D video, the footage can also be viewed through standard 3D glasses. A companion app enables users to share their photos and footage, create ‘wiggle GIFs‘ and download stereograms to print. The video below offers more information on how it works:

The Poppy brings an element of fun to making unique content with the iPhone. Having raised nearly USD 200,000 on Kickstarter, the device is now available to pre-order from the company’s website from USD 69.99. Are there other ways to add extra capabilities to smartphones?

