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Easy-to-assemble schools for ‘squatter’ communities in India

ModSkool is built with sustainable materials that are inexpensive, accessible and easy to take down and reassemble when communities are forced to move

Spotted: The India-based Social Design Collaborative has created an easy-to-assemble school building for vulnerable communities who are forced to move frequently. The structure, known as ModSkool, uses locally available materials and is therefore inexpensive to install. 

ModSkool was created to help India’s so-called “squatter communities” — vulnerable families frequently evicted from their settlements. One building erected by the Social Design Collaborative is a mobile school, constructed after a community had its demolished.

ModSkool uses easy-to-find material, making it affordable and transportable, and its structure is a bolted steel frame that forms the basis for a single classroom. The outer walls were originally made using bamboo, reclaimed wood and dried grass, traditional building materials in the community, and a second version of the school used a traditional weaving technique. The roof is made of corrugated steel, raised above the walls for ventilation. The school was assembled by the local community in less than three weeks. 

Springwise has recently spotted other innovative designs for sustainable schools in India, including buildings made of straw and wood

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