E-mail signatures for Election '08
Nonprofit & Social Cause
As the US presidential election winds up to a fever pitch in these last few campaign months, there’s no doubt passionate supporters in both camps are looking for ways to give their side an edge. One such tool now comes in the form of a custom e-mail signature that proudly displays the allegiance of its user.
Austrian E-Mail Charity specializes in the creation of e-mail signatures to support a variety of charitable causes, including Care and Doctors without Borders. Users simply enter their contact information as they’d like it to appear, and the company’s specialized installer creates and automatically installs a signature widget including that and a banner advertising the charity of their choice. Now the same can be done to support either Obama or McCain in the presidential race. On the Obama side, available banners include Latinos for Obama, Republicans for Obama and Americans Abroad for Obama, while opposing banners include “McCain Stands for Experience” and “McCain–Country First.” Creating and using E-Mail Charity’s signatures is free, and virtually all e-mail clients are supported; text-only versions are available for webmail users. As the company explains, “If only a few of your friends join in on using E-mail Charity, a viral marketing effect for your cause/charity is launched.”
The election signatures appear to be E-Mail Charity’s first effort targeting e-mail users outside of Austria. One to help localize in a market near you to harness consumer marketeers for the change you believe in? (Related: Viral music sales through widgets.)
Spotted by: Lukas Z.
17th September 2008
Email: office@emailcharity.com
Website: election08.emailcharity.com