Easy installation, no hard sell
Work & Lifestyle
Navigation systems, mp3 enabled hifi sets, speed camera sensors… As straightforward as installation may seem when a customer buys the gadget, as hard as it gets when the wires are out of the box, and said customer is folded in two under the dashboard, trying to connect B6 to R12.
Fitting stations for car accessories usually require customers to buy the products from their store, often at higher than highstreet prices. wecanfit.co.uk is different. Customers buy the accessories where they like, and wecanfit.co.uk takes care of installation. In their own words, “Our aim is to fit what you already own.”
Booking an installation online is simple: using drop-down menus, the customer selects what they need to have installed, prices are automatically displayed, the customer fills in their details, and an appointment is scheduled.
The post-purchase service model works well for a wide variety of products, from assembling Ikea furniture or changing the colors (see Ikea slipcovers), to installing anti-virus software. Offer time-starved consumers convenience, and let them have it their way! If you don’t, your competitors will 😉
30th March 2006
Website: www.wecanfit.co.uk/index_Car.html