Innovation That Matters

Tryvertising store expands in Spain


Given the popularity of tryvertising labs in Asia, it was only a matter of time before they popped up in other parts of the globe. We spotted one in San Diego earlier this year—not long after Tokyo-based Sample Lab kicked off its own global expansion—and recently we learned of Barcelona-based Esloúltimo, which is already planning to open a second shop in Madrid. Spanish consumers interested in testing out the latest products need only pay EUR 5 every six months for the right to try five new products at Esloúltimo every two weeks. There is no other charge for the samples, and there’s also no lengthy questionnaire to fill out. Instead, consumers are simply asked to indicate why they chose the particular samples they did. Available for the taking at Esloúltimo are a variety of food, cosmetic and household goods as well as technological innovations for in-store testing. Long lines and waits of four hours greeted the Esloúltimo store’s Barcelona opening in October, causing it to begin requiring that consumers make reservations in advance. Esloúltimo is the brain child of Barcelona market researcher Guia de Tendencias, which is planning to open its Madrid store in February, according to the Compradiccion blog. Who will be first to serve the masses of eager trysumers in *your* neck of the sampling woods…? Spotted by: Tais Reis

