Innovation That Matters

Etsy labs


Creating an offline presence for a popular online destination, Etsy is setting up shop, er lab, in Brooklyn. Etsy, the online marketplace for handmade goods that we mentioned last year, features over 26,000 sellers from across the world. The website has been growing at a very healthy pace since it launched in June 2005, as consumers from around the globe increasingly value the originality of handmade items and enjoy buying from individuals instead of mass retailers. Etsy brings it all together with a great user interface and sophisticated search tools that let buyers find everything from scented soy candles (USD 5) to a tennis ball chair (USD 275). 307,076 items were sold from June 2005 – December 2006. And now the company has a brick-and-mortar space at 325 Gold Street in Brooklyn. The new studio will serve as Etsy’s headquarters, and allow members to meet up and use communal equipment like a silkscreen press and a letterpress. The Labs will host parties, trunk shows, seminars, workshops, a lending library and more. In their own words: “We intend to use the Brooklyn Etsy Labs as, well, a laboratory, to see if we can build it into a self sustaining entity. If so, we one day hope to recreate the Labs in cities across the world and give all makers of things a place to gather, learn, share, and create.” For more examples of companies that are helping consumers beef up their status skills, check out’s briefing on the subject. And if you own an online venture, 2007 may be a good year to create some offline buzz as well. Spotted by:

