Foldable, recyclable helmet for casual cyclists
Work & Lifestyle
Eco Helmet’s biodegradable helmet, made of a paper honeycomb structure, is foldable and recyclable, aimed at bike share users.
We recently saw how a range of fashionable scarves could also offer air pollution detection and filtration for Parisian cyclists, offering style and safety. Now another area of cyclist safety is being targeted — the helmet.
Eco Helmet is foldable and lightweight, made of paper folded into honeycomb structures that fold upon impact. This provides resistance and protects the user’s head. Targeting city cycle share programs, the developers are aiming to have the helmets be available at bike stations for as little cost as possible, encouraging casual pickup. When users complete their journey, they can then also deposit the helmets, which will be fully recyclable at stations. In addition, the helmets are also coated in a biodegradable, waterproof substance to maintain their structure even in rainy conditions. Having just won the 2016 international James Dyson Award for innovation, the Eco Helmet should be available in 2017.
How else can cycling be made safer at a lower cost?
23rd November 2016