Innovation That Matters

Female empowerment | Photo source Pixabay

Free life coaching sessions offered with every purchase

Work & Lifestyle

A womenswear brand is offering free life coaching sessions with every purchase to help women gain more confidence and empowerment

A number of fashion brands around the world champion women’s empowerment. Some donate a share of proceeds to organisations that fight for women’s rights and others offer training and jobs to women from disadvantaged backgrounds. Now, luxury womenswear brand Tuxe is making it more personal. The brand is offering free performance coaching sessions with every online purchase. The pre-recorded sessions with coach Ianna Raim are designed to help guide women through professional and life challenges. They offer support to customers even after the purchase has been made.

Tuxe’s shirts and blouses are designed as bodysuits, so that they fall perfectly and don’t come untucked. In addition, the garments are made with a special fabric that combats sweat, body odour, and wrinkles. They are designed to allow women to move more easily through the day and avoid ‘wardrobe malfunctions’. Founder Tamar Daniel was inspired to offer the coaching sessions by her own positive experiences in working with a coach during a challenging time, and by the many customers who told her that Tuxe’s clothes gave them a confidence boost during important professional moments.

The offer includes 10 pre-recorded coaching sessions on topics such as dealing with painful setbacks or setting new life goals. Daniel and Raim are also working on creating a service that will provide coaching sessions tailored to the needs of individual customers. We have previously highlighted companies that are working to make a difference with home insurance that donates to charity and unused clothing that can donate itself. In what other ways could companies work to empower women and girls?


