Innovation That Matters

Free resume distribution to multiple job sites

Work & Lifestyle

First FedEx Office offered free resume printing on what it declared Free Resume Printing Day last month; now, job seekers can tap UK-based FreeMyCV for free distribution of their resumes to job sites far and wide. Aiming to reduce the time job-seekers spend registering and sending their resumes to all the many different hiring websites, uses a tailored integration system that enables the user’s details and CV to be automatically registered to a wide variety of partner job websites within minutes of submission. Users simply sign on with FreeMyCV for free and upload their resume. The service then sends it out automatically to select partner job sites, the list of which currently includes, and–a familiar face to regular Springwise readers—TheLadders. Each partner site specifies in advance the type of candidates it’s interested in—by location, sector or salary level, for instance. FreeMyCV sends each resume to as many as 10 such UK sites, including any mix of general and industry specialist sites as determined by the candidate’s qualifications. The system’s technology even knows to avoid submitting users’ resumes to sites they’re already registered with. Whereas FedEx Office’s effort was a combination of free love and sympvertising and sympvertising for branding purposes, FreeMyCV is made possible by its partnerships with job sites, each of which pays to participate. Either way, of course, it’s all good to consumers. How could *your* brand help the unemployed, the debt-strapped or the otherwise economically afflicted? Spotted by: Jonathan Kyle

