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A workplace travel program rewards employees with relaxation to increase their productivity and job satisfaction.
We have seen workplace innovations that seek to improve productivity in a number of different ways. One example is by providing office space on demand via an app. Another is a cycling app through which employers can reward employees for the number of miles they cycle. A new workplace innovation from the US, Taab, promotes employee productivity through a travel program. By encouraging employees to rest and relax, Taab is preventing employee burnout and increasing productivity at work.
Employee burnout decreases productivity in the work place and can cause a higher turnover rate. Many employers offer benefits such as pensions and healthcare which have a long-term value for employees. Created by co-founders Dru Dalton and Aaron LeClair, Taab seeks to create benefits with more immediate value. Taab stands for ‘travel as a benefit’ and the company advocates that travel is the solution to employee burnout. The program works by having both employees and employers contribute to travel expenses. Employees can decide whether they want to opt-in and how much of each paycheck they want to save toward travel. This amount is then matched by employers. Taab sets users up with a digital Taab card upon signing up and then provides a physical card. Using their Taab card, employees can then book their travel.
Taab identifies that rewarding employees with travel in exchange for hard work increases employee participation and workplace morale. It also acts as an incentive to accepting a job. Additionally, the program is beneficial to employers to. Keeping employees satisfied increases recruitment and retention, saving costs. The pilot results reveal 88 percent of employees using Taab agree that it has increased their loyalty to their employer.
Taab currently only accepts US based companies and offers international travel with travel businesses that accept credit cards. What other new benefits can help boost productivity in the workplace?
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