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Cross-border children’s game connects young people

Social marketing agency FCB created Tug of Hope to connect children in different locations and circumstances as a way of celebrating shared humanity.

Initially created to better connect Mexican children living in Mexico City, the Tug of Hope game is now being used to break down the barriers of prejudice by working across international borders. Created by social marketing agency Foote, Cone & Belding (FCB), the first Tug of Hope game was played by Mexico City children 27 miles apart in different schools. Due to their socioeconomic circumstances, their lives may otherwise have never crossed.

Two ropes are virtually connected with the machine that each half is attached to measuring the force generated. This allows for real-time gaming, and large screens on each machine allow participants to see and communicate with each other. Tug of Hope was recently used as part of the annual Austin, Texas, South by Southwest (SXSW) event and allowed children in Mexico to play with their counterparts in the United States. Developed for the Papalote Children’s Museum in Mexico City, the Tug of Hope project is now available for use by museums and events around the world.

Play is increasingly being used to make tasks more enjoyable and useful. A new interactive musical instrument allows children to create endless variations of melody and rhythm, alone and in teams. And an online gaming system provides a fun new way to work up a sweat. What other areas of life could benefit from an injection of fun?