Gamified social network will help companies motivate and reward their employees
Work & Lifestyle
My Corner Office is a soon-to-be-launched social network platform that companies can use to engage, motivate and reward their employees.
Engaging and motivating employees to work hard is a challenge for companies large and small, and we’ve seen solutions ranging from a site that tracks morale to a company that uses upgradable lodgings as a way to reward its interns. Recently, however, New Hampshire employee recognition specialist A&R Sawyer came up with something new: My Corner Office, a soon-to-be-launched social network platform that companies can use to engage, motivate and reward their employees.
In My Corner Office, every employee and manager has their own “corner office” splash page to display and collect service awards, which recognize their accomplishments on the job. “Think Facebook but with service awards instead of status updates,” A&R Sawyer explains. Other features that can be incorporated in employees’ virtual offices include a bulletin board for news updates; a trophy case for displaying virtual rewards and achievements; a scrap book containing a history of awards, milestones and feedback; and a link library. Perhaps most interesting of all, companies can also add a customized employee recognition store in which employees can spend points earned through the My Corner Office program.
Pricing on My Corner Office hasn’t yet been set. In addition to desktop use, however, the platform will also support access via smart tablet kiosks, a mobile web app, and even scratch tickets and reward cards. Metrics and reporting functions will be available for managers. Entrepreneurs and managers around the globe: one to keep an eye on?
29th June 2012