Innovation That Matters

Personal coaching service delivers motivation across media

Work & Lifestyle

Recently we’ve looked at confidence-building services that deliver praise via phone or text message, but Goalpher takes a combined approach to helping consumers achieve their life goals. Now in beta, California-based Goalpher uses a combination of one-on-one counseling via phone, email or text message along with an assortment of web tools. Personalized counseling contact tends to focus on motivational reminders, goal updates and relevant information and techniques, while the web application is designed to tie everything together with tools for capturing goals, priorities, action plans and coaching notes. Pricing options range from USD 20 for a single call along with unlimited app access to USD 75 for a three-month package including two calls per month and unlimited access to Goalpher’s app tools. Goalpher earmarks 10 percent of its profits for the development of goal-oriented programs for youth and financially challenged individuals. For as long as consumers need help setting and pursuing goals, there will be opportunities to help them. One to regionalize for other cultures and languages? (Related: Web service uses gaming to motivate salespeopleSite matches motivation ‘buddies’ with shared goals.)

