Healing lamp device treats chronic ulcers
Health & Wellbeing
A UK university has developed a healing lamp that offers an alternative treatment for chronic ulcers.
Scientists from the University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, UK, have developed a healing lamp device for treating chronic ulcers with light. The trial – funded by Arthritis Research UK – tested a combination of infrared, red and ultraviolet light on finger ulcers. Lead scientist Dr Michael Hughes commented that the trial’s success showed the device’s potential for treating other types of ulcers.
The lamp consists of 32 different bulbs. Scientists believe the lights kill the bacteria and reduce inflammation, enabling the ulcers to heal. In a study – published in medical journal ‘Dermatological Treatment’ – the healing lamp was tested on eight patients who had 14 ulcers between them. Over the course of three weeks, each patient was treated with the device twice a week for 15-minute sessions. The results after treatment showed an average improvement rate of 83 percent. In addition, no side-effects occurred as a result of treatment.
Furthermore, the new light therapy can be administered remotely at patients’ homes. Dr Hughes said: “There are future possibilities as well: we think this device could be easily adapted to monitor ulcers remotely using cameras. They could also be programmed to recognise different parts of the body so that the treatment is given accurately.”
We have previously featured medical innovations at Springwise including a device that can detect bacteria on hands and a handheld device to help people who suffer from excessive sweating.
5th November 2018
Website: www.manchester.ac.uk/light-device
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