Innovation That Matters

Hotel industry app company uses its beacon technology in banks and planes

Travel & Tourism

In Germany, a hotel app company is launching a new on-demand service available to multiple industries.

We’ve seen beacon technology used in increasingly innovative ways. This company uses them to track manual workers, ensuring they are making the most efficient use of their time and energy, and this innovation helps local shops in Mumbai slums compete with online retailers by sending ping notifications to passing consumers. Now, Conichiwa will serve aerospace, airline, financial institutions, and retail brands on-demand technology to enhance their customer experience.

Conichiwa is an expansion of Conichi, a German hotel app company. Conichi began with technology that recognizes regular hotel guests. Powered by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), the technology allowed customers to check in and out faster and unlock their room door with their phone by transmitting data from their BLE-enabled phones. The brand spinoff Conichiwa has expanded beyond hospitality. Partnering with Deutsche Bank, they have provided a service for customers to interact seamlessly with physical branches. Appointments, personalized bank services and location-based payments are all possible through the app. For aviation companies the app will allow passengers to order audio, video and interactive games on demand while in flight.

What will be the next industry to benefit from beacon technology innovation?

