Innovation That Matters

Free photo books for Facebook and Bebo users

Publishing & Media

If Facebook users can conjure up real-world flowers, candy and drinks from within the social network, then why not give them a way to capture their favourite Facebook images in a real-world photo album? Better yet, why not make it free with a little advertising support? That, indeed, is just what HotPrints does, thanks to a set of new apps for both Facebook and Bebo. HotPrints’ new HotBook app gives Facebook and Bebo users a way to bring their social network photos to life. Users simply indicate which images they’d like to include in their 16-page, soft-cover HotBook; there are currently nine themes to choose from in designing the compilation, which can be shipped anywhere in the world. Perhaps best of all, UK-based HotPrints has teamed up with select partners to sponsor one free book per month per customer, including even shipping and handling. Advertisements are included, but not on the same pages as the photos; rather, they’re removable full-page inserts. In addition, for every 10 friends who install the HotPrints application, HotPrints credits the user for another free book. Those who would rather skip the ads, meanwhile, can pay USD 2.99—GBP 1.99—for an ad-free version. With more than 300 million active users and 2 billion photos uploaded each month on Facebook alone, it would be difficult to find a better place to give out free photo love. Add to that the examples we’ve already seen of free photocopies, printing, notepaper, phone calls and notebooks, and the message is clear: there will never be too much free love!

