Innovation That Matters

Online marketplace for secondhand IKEA furniture


Based—where else?—in Sweden, I LOVE IKEA is a new online marketplace for consumers looking to buy and sell secondhand IKEA furniture. Buyers can search by region and city to find items nearby, or by category: bathroom, kitchen, office, etc. Product descriptions include the usual: photo, price and contact details, but are generally brief—after all, buyers can easily find more information in IKEA’s catalogue. Placing ads is free until August 1st. After that, the site will charge sellers a small fee per ad. On every general classifieds site, from Craigslist to, there’s an abundance of secondhand IKEA goods on offer. According to I LOVE IKEA, they’re included in over 20,000 ads per month in newspapers and online marketplaces. And that’s just in Sweden. So it makes sense to create a marketplace dedicated to IKEA’s wares, making it easier for consumers to locate items by name or type. I LOVE IKEA isn’t affiliated with the object of their affection; as they put it, they’re “a tribute to IKEA’s amazing range, and a response to recent developments towards a more sustainable society.” Following its launch in Sweden, I LOVE IKEA aims to expand to the rest of Europe soon. Enduringly popular around the world, IKEA will no doubt continue to spawn businesses that offer complementary goods and services. Need more inspiration to start an IKEA ‘feeder business’ of your own? Check out slip covers for sofas by Bemz, delivery to Nasheville by ModerNash, decorative adhesives by Grippiks and add-ons by Parts of Sweden, all of which have built successful companies on an IKEA foundation. Spotted by: Robert Olzon

