Using fermentation to create food without farmland
Agriculture & Energy
Renewable energy powers the process of growing human food-grade proteins
Spotted: Because experts believe that great potential for innovation remains untapped in using microbial fermentation for food, the growth potential for the alternative protein market is vast. The Good Food Institute’s 2022 State of the Industry Report found that there are now companies in 30 countries and across every major world region that are focused on fermentation for alternative proteins.
Amsterdam-based agtech company Farmless sees the potential in the market and has set itself the goal of producing affordable alternative proteins at a “planetary scale.” Using renewable energy sources to power the fermentation process of microbes, Farmless seeks an entirely new style of agriculture, one in which land is no longer needed.
Farmless’ process creates food packed with amino-acid complete proteins, fibre, essential vitamins, carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats. It does this by turning existing supply chains of liquid feedstock into the basis for its fermentation system. The company uses a naturally occurring single-cell organism that ferments at a rapid rate, and then through careful selection of different microbes for different results, produces proteins and foods that can be customised to include almost any combination of macronutrients.
Farmless’ method of production is designed to work anywhere in the world, making it possible to grow healthy proteins with minimal carbon emissions. Using fermentation to grow protein also eliminates the need to use pesticides and other dangerous chemicals on food, reducing even more the environmental damage usually incurred through the cultivation of animal-based proteins.
From bio-based microplastic replacements to natural food colouring, innovations in Springwise’s archive highlight the diversity of fermentation projects being developed around the world.
Written By: Keely Khoury
27th June 2023