Innovation That Matters

Apart from its interactive features, the mask functions just like other protective equipment | Photo source Tyler Glaiel

LED face mask mimics pattern of mouth

Computing & Tech

A video game designer developed an interactive, voice-controlled facemask on which the wearer can make a smile display on demand

Spotted: Face masks have become the new normal around the world, which has led to many innovative iterations. The video game programmer and designer Tyler Glaiel created the JabberMask, an interactive, voice-activated facemask with an LED display that moves like a mouth in time with your speech and smile and can display emojis on demand.

Apart from its interactive features, the mask functions just like other protective equipment. It is made of cotton, which studies have recently shown works almost as well as surgical masks — this part can be removed and washed. To keep it as light as possible, the straps go all around the wearer’s head and the battery sits right at the back.

There are three different versions of the JabberMask. The Lite is the basic model with a 6×6 LED grid that displays the moving mouth and smile and is battery powered, the Deluxe has a larger 8×8 LED grid and a rechargeable battery, and the Pro adds emoji support that can be controlled through an Android or iOS app.

Glaiel is currently seeking funding for the JabberMask through Kickstarter with pledges starting at €25. If the project goes according to plan, then they will begin shipping in May 2021.
