Instead of greeting cards, designer panties by mail
It seems safe to say that women’s panties never used to travel so far nor so wide. First, we saw Canadian Panty by Post, which offers panties by curated subscription. Now, we just recently came across KnickerMail, which sends luxury panties in place of greeting cards.
Daring Christmas seasons-greeters, for example, begin by choosing what colour of unisize panties they’d like to send — available choices include black, purple and red. They then select the text they’d like to include on the accompanying card, and take care of the address and payment details. From there the knickers get sent on their way, and senders are advised to “prepare for the reaction. Chilling a bottle of champagne and sourcing black candles recommended.” Pricing is GBP 29.
KnickerMail is yet another example of what our sister site calls the maturialism trend. Time to bring a little extra spice to Christmas — or greetings in general — in your part of the world? (Related: Five hands-on examples of the maturialism trend — Breath mint brand lets customers redeem points for vibrating toys.)
Spotted by: Evelin Pullerits
27th December 2010