Innovation That Matters

Members' club for moms goes beyond pampering

Work & Lifestyle

Earlier this year we wrote about a few members’ clubs for moms in the London area, and now a similar South African contender has added a networking twist. Based in Johannesburg, Triba aims to give mothers physical and mental well-being by providing them with the time, space and resources they need to take care of themselves, seven days a week. Before that can happen, of course, their children must be well taken care of—something Triba assures through classes, childcare, swimming, hair care and even basic pediatric services like vaccination by the on-site nurse. Thus freed up to attend to their own needs, mother members have access to spa, hair, sleep and exercise offerings, along with a cafe, library and quirky retail store; concierge service is coming soon. Triba’s conference space features workshops, courses, seminars and presentations designed to uplift, empower, motivate and inform women, while a dedicated office space–much like the work spaces for freelancers we’ve featured before–is set aside for women to catch up on their admin, surf the internet or otherwise take advantage of the centre’s wifi. Perhaps most interesting of all, though, are Triba’s recruitment services, through which the Triba team will tap into its network of members both to help mothers find work and to facilitate networking opportunities for consultants or self-employed women who want to promote their services. Membership fees at Triba begin at ZAR 280 per month for a mother plus one child. Triba says it’s planning to expand around South Africa, but as we’ve noted before, there are few geographical limitations on the market of moms around the world in need of a space to call their own. One to bring to the legions of time-, sleep- and sanity-starved mothers near you!

