More street clean-vertising
Advertising & Marketing
We love seeing a good idea take hold, so we were happy that one of our spotters came across Netherlands-based GreenGraffiti.
Much like UK-based Street Advertising Services, which we wrote about last year, GreenGraffiti creates advertising on dirty city streets and walls using the clean, green power of plain water. Armed with just a template and a high-pressure water sprayer, the company has “cleaned” advertising messages out of the dirt on behalf of clients including Elle, Telfort and Universal Music. No paper, no ink, no printing process—GreenGraffiti’s ads are completely carbon-neutral, it says. They last up to six months, depending on foot traffic, and cost a fraction of the price of traditional outdoor media, the company asserts.
GreenGraffiti was launched in 2006 by sustainable brand design firm Hemshaven and creative guerilla marketing bureau Jack Liberties, and is available to conduct campaigns of any size throughout Europe and North America. One to test out on the dirty streets near you…?
Spotted by: Lieke Voermans
3rd July 2008