Innovation That Matters

No Doubt's premium concert tickets come with free love

Publishing & Media

Two years ago Prince shook the music industry when he gave away free CDs to fans who purchased either the UK’s Mail on Sunday newspaper or tickets to one of his shows. Picking up on that idea, American band No Doubt is doing something similar for those who buy top-tier tickets to one of the concerts in its summer tour. Rather than just a single CD, however, No Doubt is giving away a free download of its entire digital audio catalogue, comprising more than 80 songs from the band’s seven studio albums. Tickets for the tour, which kicks off May 2 in Atlantic City, went on sale earlier this month, and pricing varies with the venue. The free download offer applies only to top-ticket price levels, however—those priced higher than USD 42.50 before applicable ticketing-related fees. In addition to the band’s past songs, the download will also include “Stand and Deliver,” a brand-new song that will be performed for the first time in May. There’s no doubt the music industry is in transition, as it struggles to find a sustainable new model for the digital-music era. By zeroing in on premium-priced tickets, No Doubt takes Prince’s model a notch higher and turns the music into a perk for top-paying fans. Free love is always good, but when it’s reserved for your best customers, it can inspire brand love and come right back at you again! (Related: Travel company invites clients on planning tripsHotel perks for Mercedes driversMore luxury loos, now for members onlyA layaway option for buying festival tickets.) Spotted by: Lieke Voermans
