Innovation That Matters

Domino's recruits fans to sell its pizza

Food & Drink

The music industry has long been putting fans to work for help with promotions and sales, and now it looks like Domino’s Pizza is getting in on the action as well. A new widget launched last month lets consumers serve as affiliate marketers for the brand through their social networking pages and blogs. Domino’s UK is apparently the first brand to test the new widget, which comes from UK agency BLM Quantum, part of Arena BLM. All consumers need do is install the widget on their website, blog or social networking page, start promoting Domino’s on their personal web space, and then wait for the cash to roll in. The widget tracks all orders placed through their site and rewards consumers with 0.5 percent of every purchase. All the marketing experts in the world can’t hold a candle to the persuasive power socially connected consumers have over each other; the key is harnessing that power and putting it to work for your brand—with rewards, of course, for the consumers in question. Who will be the first brand in *your* industry to leverage the virtually limitless marketing muscle of sellsumers? Spotted by: MarketingWeek via Rick Edgars

