Innovation That Matters

Pay-what-you-want magazine subscription

Publishing & Media

Following Radiohead’s ‘pay what you want’ pricing scheme for their latest album, In Rainbows, indie pop culture magazine Paste is giving its readers the option of paying whatever they like for a subscription. For two weeks, anyone signing up for a new subscription or a renewal can name their own price for a year’s worth of Paste (11 issues plus 11 CDs), with a minimum price of USD 1. “We were curious to know what our customers thought we were worth. And what better way to find out, than to let them tell us?” explains Paste President/Publisher Tim Regan-Porter. “While it’s certainly a bit unconventional, we also see it as a chance to get our product in the hands of people who could become lifelong fans. It’s been our experience that once people become familiar with Paste, they turn into loyal readers.” According to Yahoo Tech, sales for In Rainbows may have reached USD 10 million. While Radiohead’s fans are more likely to voluntarily fork over money to their musical heroes than new subscribers are to an ad-sponsored music magazine, riding the wave of publicity generated by Radiohead is undeniably clever 😉 Spotted by: Palmer Houchins
