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New tracking system offers faster curbside grocery delivery

A Supermarket chain is testing geofencing to provide customers with immediate curbside pickup.

Spotted: US-based SpartanNash grocery chain is piloting a new service that will allow stores to slash waiting times for curbside pickups. The geofencing system is state-of-the-art and allows stores to meet customers as soon as they pull up, the company says. 

The technology is not a new concept for the retail market. But SpartanNash’s foray into the geofencing platform marks a new level of service for shoppers at their local grocery stores.

The geofencing pilot tracks shoppers’ locations through the SpartanNash app. The platform then updates the customer’s store on-route, allowing employees to deliver orders as soon as the shopper arrives. 

The geofencing system, initiated in partnership with Radius Networks, is part of SpartanNash’s larger campaign to compete with other online shopping platforms. The chain of grocery stores also offers a number of apps and online ordering services, including Fast Lane curbside pickup.