Platform enables users to enrich videos with web content
Publishing & Media
TouchCast is a video creation and publishing platform that offers rich multimedia integration.
Regular readers of Springwise will remember our recent coverage of Sketchfab, the platform that aims to do for 3D design what Youtube did for video. Now TouchCast is a platform for interactive video creation and publishing that is challenging Youtube itself, offering rich multimedia integration.
Considering the endless interactivity that the web offers, videos can often remain a simple affair. Through TouchCast, creators can add any of a wide array of widgets – known as vApps – to their videos, from embedded text, images and other video to maps, Twitter feeds, clips from the web and even interactive polls that can display updated data in real time. Users can make their own channel on the site, as well as take advantage of other community features such as comments. TouchCast also offers a number of tools to aid users in the creation of presentations and broadcasts while integrating web content in real time. Guides help presenters stand in the right spot when extra content is being displayed, while a teleprompter ensures they remember their cues. Effects and camera angle switches can also be added in real time. The video below explains a bit more about TouchCast, but for the full interactive version head to the company’s website:
TouchCast is free to download for iPad from the App Store, while a desktop version is coming soon. By taking the power of the web and allowing videomakers to integrate it directly into their own broadcasts, TouchCast could open up the path towards true web video. Could this kind of presentation format eventually become the standard for news and entertainment broadcasting?
Spotted by: Murray Orange
5th August 2013