Innovation That Matters

Pre-paid privacy

Financial Services

Adapting the pre-paid phone card model for online transactions, creating a whole new breed of credit/debit card.


Great for any type of confidential paid-for content (obviously not for anything that requires registration, a delivery address or personalization). A more innocent use for pre-paid cards could be found amongst the scores of people who simply don’t have a credit card to their disposal, but who still want to buy online. A number of similar initiatives in the US and UK have failed in the past, mainly due to limited distribution options, but the ever increasing online population means that there is still a big market out there. Study how the phone guys did it (if you’re not in the phone business already), and partner up with banks, ISPs, telcos and what have you to build credibility and points of sale!

Adapting the pre-paid phone card model for online transactions

Pre-paid calling cards for mobile telephony have taken Europe by storm; they cater to the budget-conscious and the flexible crowd alike. Another value these cards have to offer is anonymity. For those wishing to guard their privacy, pre-paid cards are the only alternative to good old cash. Especially online, where current payment methods automatically mean that you’ll have to disclose personal information. So why not translate the pre-paid phone card model to the world of online transactions? There are many content sites consumers would prefer to transact with anonymously, with adult sites being an obvious example. Canadian firm Yourbrain Media has jumped at this opportunity and is introducing Adult XXX Cards across the US in convenience stores as we speak.


Great for any type of confidential paid-for content (obviously not for anything that requires registration, a delivery address or personalization). A more innocent use for pre-paid cards could be found amongst the scores of people who simply don’t have a credit card to their disposal, but who still want to buy online. A number of similar initiatives in the US and UK have failed in the past, mainly due to limited distribution options, but the ever increasing online population means that there is still a big market out there. Study how the phone guys did it (if you’re not in the phone business already), and partner up with banks, ISPs, telcos and what have you to build credibility and points of sale!
