Innovation That Matters

Saturday-Plus subscription

Publishing & Media

An innovation in the world of newspaper publishing: Saturday's paper on your doormat, and in your inbox during the rest of the week.

Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant recently introduced a clever Saturday-Plus subscription. ‘Plus’ subscribers receive a paper version on their doormats on Saturdays, while on weekdays they have access to the (full) digital version. Which mirrors the lifestyle of more and more readers: no time to read the paper version from Monday to Friday, combined with little desire to leave the home early on Saturday mornings to get the still-popular paper weekend edition. Very astute, not just from a publishing approach, but from a behavioral, process and service angle as well. On Saturdays, this is where you lose dedicated reading time!


The Saturday-Plus service fits well with a phenomenon TRENDWATCHING.COM has dubbed DAILY LUBRICANTS: the fast growing class of products and services that cater to consumers’ need for simplicity, and that literally daily life. Springwise expects this trend to reach global mass-status soon. Larger markets will open up; not only for clever, new, simplicity-oriented products and services, but also for offering consumers a simplified way of using products and services; buying them (time to give your website a make-over); and interacting with them!
